Are you scared of something?

Comment to talk to people
14 votes

Comment for what you're scared of
52 votes

Comment for other
16 votes

Comment for advice
13 votes


sandrablood the most than spiders

Anastazjai don't like when people say blood , and I don't like spiders and bees , and after I have injection or ears pierced I can't hear anything clearly and I can't see clearly , and I can't sleep only in the darkness because I get nightmares.

sandraanastazja can u go on facebook with me cuz i am bored and wanna takk and my mum and ashraf went to my grandmas house and yeah.



Louis Tomlinson LoverHeights!!!!!

catBlood and guts and spiders

Me!!!spiders and heights!

Me!!!And I'm claustrophobic :(



ȘΘιɖɱϓɴᎯɱεΘɴεϦᎯϓPoison think ext. snakes lizards


tbrat123Im scared of being dead sometimes

Mrs Natasha McCarthyterrified of spiders

shannonthe unknown, snakes, and losing someone

Emily*spiders and snakes !!

Christinaclowns, spiders, snakes & scary movies!

catFailing a exam and being alone

ShaunnaI'm scared of losing the people I love


Batwoman98Spiders, clowns, heights, small spaces, being touched, marriage, falling in love and getting your heartbroken

Imogen-jade Bostockwasps, clowns