Black ops or skyrim?

88 votes

213 votes

212 votes

Black ops
408 votes


MaccaaaaCod easy

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘‡, πŸ‘Œ? βœŒοΈπŸ‘‹Both gay

...Skyrim bitches

Abbz_25πŸ˜‚@Dovahkiin hell no

...@Abbie what

Abbz_25πŸ˜‚@Dovahkiin why skyrim

...Its good oblivion is good too

Abbz_25πŸ˜‚@Dovahkiin cool


Abbz_25πŸ˜‚@Yep bye



JackRyanSkyrim obviously wins

.Skyrim !

NotoriousYou guys are JOKING. Please tell me you are.. Black ops is shit compared to Skyrim. Goodness. Why does BO have more votes? I am sad.

JackRyan@AnonymousToAnExtent Black ops has more votes because most people on the this app are 12 year olds who have never played a different game besides cod

LComment comparer de la merde (COD) avec un chef d'Ε“uvre tel que Skyrim ???

Nicola Stamm@JackRyanso true