Are my thighs skinny

Your fat
155 votes

Your skinny
33 votes

189 votes

476 votes



NimlovesbessiesTights are meant to be skinny !!!!!!

💋Jess_xoxoI bet you thighs are fat

RANDOM@L❤VE Agreed! ;)

KayTights are meant to be skinny!!!!!!

Lillypetals@DramaQueenEXTREME she said thighs!!!!

Hir u a fatty

OhMyGodsThey are average and besides they aren't mean to be skinny, it just the human body that almost everyone has

briana_angelina_wilsonur not fat at all ! its just that when u sit down ur legs like fatten out . it happens to me . :}

Kenzie;)me 2!!

Sarinathey are supposed to be like that, that us natural

savanna@briana_yoo' . Yea me too

Nimlovesbessies@Lillypetals that's wot I meant

RayanSorry but you fat

Cutie🎀💜🌈🍭@savanna same

Why So Serious💀don't worry you perfect just the way you are

Evuhhh_It doesn't matter if you're thighs are skinny or not you're perfect just the way you are and you should cherish that tbh😋