I'm going to a One Direction concert. Ahhhhh! Are you excited for me?

32 votes

94 votes

Bitch. Why don't you take me too?
42 votes


Belieber and directioner i want too go plz take me lol

heatherSo am i on june 14th

Mrs Stypayhorliksonme too on June 29

Harry_Styles_GirlThe concert I'm going to is Wednesday, June 19,2013. Floor tickets!!!

crapoloqyFR0NT ROW SEATS!! YEAA 😱💕

Constanceoh la chance!!😊

Mrs TomlinsonI already went to one. EPIC!! Hope you enjoy yours!

♛ʃɵɳɖɵɳ♛Me too on 21/06/14 :p

H-A-T_rappersno because I am going to one too