Are soul mates real? Please comment!

Love is not even real.
8 votes

Yes, I believe in Aristotle's philosophy on it.
10 votes

Yes, god created it that way .
36 votes

No, that's irrational. There's no way that there is a perfect person out there.
14 votes


carleyxoxoOf course every1 has a soulmate

Amonnawhat is your reasoning behind it?

carleyxoxo@Amonna it's the person u find that u have a feeling u know ur gonna spend the rest o your life with him or her

Amonnaso do you believe that it a predestined thing? Not that you meet someone and you just feel it, do you think it is already destined?

carleyxoxo@Amonna no it isn't predestined but when u meet someone that's perfect then they become soulmates

🎩Banter🎩No. There are no two people who are made as a match for each other