Do you like prom

143 votes

Hell no
60 votes

516 votes

133 votes


rachelI'm ten I've never been

marvinmy moms to cheap to let me get anything worth going and people hate me

Jenny_Wren@marvin, same here... XP

PersonnnMan, that was fun. :D

Maggie L.haven't been but going to my 6 th grade dance this year


AmyIDK I'm 11

👉👌 👇, 👌? ✌️👋My sis said it sucked; that no one really danced and when they DID, they were just grindin' up all on eachother...... she totally ruined my perfect fantasy of it.😒

I luv Mindless Behavior!!!!!!!U look beautiful

Proud_mahomie❤ @Spencer lol

justin is my nameyes