Is she hot??

683 votes

218 votes

Ohh sweet mamma
350 votes

860 votes


AubrieLaneShe's a little girl!

Hunger direction!!!!!She's really pretty

Hotso girlI wouldn't say HOT, but deffrntly preyyy

Hotso girl* pretty*

tShe too young to be hot tf

briana ewww no she's ugly

Hunger games addictnot hot but cute

Mrs Horan ( I love Niall he's mine )she id really pretty

bryunnaI'm a girl

chestnut25you're pretty :)

Missjabba993your pretty


RANDOMNot hot but very pretty! ;)

Bella Pizzoshe is a fetus.. She's beautiful but not hot

KayShe is a fetus.. She's beautiful but not hot

carlyShe's like 8. Cute .... Not hot