Have u ever been to New York

250 votes

Ya and lived it
44 votes

Want to but Sadly no
104 votes

135 votes


briannai going


JasmineI live here sadly

SwerveNaani14I'm from NY

SwerveNaani14@Jasmine: what's wrong with NY, lol

Jasmine@SwerveNaani14 nothing it's just not like home and I miss home

CaylacashcookieI live in New York but New York State

SwerveNaani14@Jasmine: oh

@miraclei live in NY but I want to move

🔱Kiely Beltran🔱I live in NY! 😜😁

Youonlyliveonce❤I've been there yesterday! Aha:)

Natasia VenturaYeah, I've been there once. It's a really nice placect visit😄.

Natasia VenturaYes, I've been there once. It's a really nice place to visit😄.

Cutie3.NotInUse.I live there. I used to visit all the time as a kid (I lived in NJ for the first 8 years of my life).