If you had to choose whether to save your cat or save your dog what would you choose?

253 votes

Kill them both
72 votes

Sacrifice myself
309 votes

758 votes


Jennakill me please I just chose dog when I was going to choose cat.

Me!!!@MoonlightTheRabbit dogs are awesome!

cazzyi hate dogs

Pegsey01i would sacrifice myself for any animal

😈LucyPipeFTW😈kill them both

J1234@Lucy your an asshole

J1234@Pegsey01 I agree

J1234@MoonlightTheRabbit your also an asshole

J1234What a sad fuckedup question

Haters gonna hate@J1234 u r unbelievable I chose kill the cat!🙀

HLSI would sacrifice my life for any animal 👍

CherylColeFanSave them both :)

Haley Sedgwickmost likely the cat gets away it's fast