My boyfriend dumped me for another girl what should I do?

Like him
18 votes

Hate him
222 votes

Comment other!
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I don't know
153 votes


Alicia got the same thing done to me hate him

Gia forget it

Gia I am sure he still loves you

michlet it go forget about him

Sashaignore him or make him jealous!!!

Nicolethat's good advice but how could I make him jealous?

Inactiveif he doesn't like u than it is his loss for giving up a beautiful person...Ignore him and don't waste your time over that idiot who let you go:)

Stacy@Nicole don't go after him he dumped you for another girl so why would u want to be with him if he broke your heart i mean what would your relanship be like if he would dump you like your trash any secend if he sees someone pretty

Jhanae@Shanna preach

Kayleejust let him live his life and u just go find you another man

Keep Calm Go For Another Man

pinki was in the same situation but I got him back just be yourself

Kelly <3Forget him. Make him jealous :D

Max powersMove on and find a new guy

Nicolethanks guys but I still like him it sucks!

MARSJust go on

MICHI💜Let him regret it girl!


AkaraBe you and forget about him

imhisPunch that bitch in the face

Gator Girl@imhis that's a little harsh....I LIKE IT!!!!!!

hannah6424GET REVENGE!!! *chants over and over*

Ericayou look like your 10 in your picture! Should you even be dating!

Sarah12160Forget about it

Cutie catcher Find someone else and forget about it

JadenMove on

NicoleOk I will try to move on!

Animal loverMy boyfriend did that too

Gorgeous!Try to make him jealous

Isabella nannaShow him you

WTF LOL random!!!cry about it

Animal loverAnd he did it on our anniversary

NicoleHaha but I can't move on I love him

Awk0_gummybears_i have no clue I have been through the same thing

L.A.M.A.just don't give a damn

NicoleI can't not give a damn I really really love him!

Bridget hate him

Bridget @Nicole same thing too I can't move on I love my ex boyfriend

NicoleHow do I make him jealous?

MorganForget about him he bloo it

NicoleI am in love with him! I wanna ask him out again! But..... He might say no :(