Do you like bouncy castles?

No,they're babyish
257 votes

Yep,they're fun
1032 votes


sophieyou are not the real ariana grande

Priya Bhinderare you really Ariana Grande

Jexxia @Selena Brooke yes:-)

User 019263749Then what's your fan-mail address ? ( a question to see if you are really ariana grande)

:D@Ariana Grande I don't don't mean to be rude but how can u prove it??????!!!!!!

L.O.V.EI LOVE bouncy castles

Me!!!no matter how old I am...I'll still LOVE bouncy castles!

KeshaElloI'm ten and Im mature but I still love bouncy castles

leahWell it depends on what kindof bouncy castle it is

L.O.V.EI'm 19 and i still LOVE them !!!!!!!

Sascha RozinaThats not ariana grande wtf, she is lying, BITCH!!