Which one???!!!

397 votes

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167 votes

136 votes


Elle Josephhaha I have that picture for my unlock screen ^.^ (the blue one)

Elle JosephCANDYYYY!

Drama Queen✌Hershey's Cookies & Cream!! <3

LinnMilton Hershey I'm in 3rd grade and we are doing a wax musme

LinnI'm friend is him

Selina Swiftie ✨Whats the last picture?

Soph_da_duck@Selina Swiftie ✨ its like this candy i think i have had it before its like at first sour and then the inside is fruity

🔥💥FIYA ASS SNOWBUNNY COMIN' THRU THIS BITCH!!!! IF YA AIN'T RUNNIN WIFF US, RUN FROM US MAFUKKAZZZ!!!!!!🔥💥Chocolate rules my world, thank God for my high metabolism.

krista@💥BOW DOWN BITCHES!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!!💥 no one needs to know about your high metabolism

🔥💥FIYA ASS SNOWBUNNY COMIN' THRU THIS BITCH!!!! IF YA AIN'T RUNNIN WIFF US, RUN FROM US MAFUKKAZZZ!!!!!!🔥💥@krista no one "NEEDS" to know ANY of the shit on this app. I don't givva damn what you'd like to know. Ima say whatever I want to say! Don't hate cuz UR metabolism isn't high!

TaytemCandy canes