O you go to St. Margaret's school? (facing Parrenthorn)

Used to
39 votes

YES!!!! (Me too)
55 votes

No but I go to Parrenthorn
17 votes

697 votes


Jennado you live on Orkeny.

Jexxia I'm homeschooled!

AJjonseyno, I live in Manchester

We are all Embersis it the one in Devon? Because my ex bestfriend went there

AJjonseyNo, it's in Manchester

it's all about me isabellica @Ariana Grande so am I I'm homeschooled to but when I get to secondary school I'm going to a boarding school


Niall lover😃😃nope I live in dundee anyone else live in dundee cxx

Megan💚Niall Horan Nope nope live in Dundee to

Shakespear@MoonlightTheRabbit i live in shetland