JB or CB

Chris brown
350 votes

57 votes

404 votes

Justin bieber
207 votes



Khadija_cutiebelieber for lyff

Georgia No

Claudia Both are awful

Akisha🌸none they both cant sing

Ethan Connolly@Akishaxxx and @claudia I can agree with that

I ❤ the wanted!!Bieber is a fucking GAY bastard

Ethan Connolly@jav293 yeah and so is austin mahone

YouAreLOVED<3@Ethan Connolly hello ?! Stupid ?!!!! You can say everything to JB but to Austin you can't say anything , he is perfect <3 And very nice , he is singing on my Bday party

Ethan Connolly@Askin Berberidis <3 He is just bieber the second

YouAreLOVED<3@Ethan Connolly Ok that's your opinion I'm sry that I was so angry , I Love him