How old do u think I am

6 votes

None of the above
16 votes

677 votes

95 votes


Anime minecraft gamer budder chic6 you look 6

maaxitoo young...

lexiis ur name Elena

lexir u from Mrs. Grady's class

Ethan Dunneyou look five

Delete FileElena it's a long time since I've seen u

Angie6 and a slut

sunshineBy the way am 10

Love JB &1D you are 5-6 not more

Tutu B@ kagamine rin just what I was thinking

Belieber and directioner You look 10 but your adorable

💋💋_яαєєє_ℓυννν_💋💋@Belieber and directioner Ikr


Lexi😍@Angie you need to stop✋

Emo/TomboyGirl@Angie shut the fuck up.

#н¢¢иααиι@Angie: Really!? [-_-]


NotoriousDo your parents know that you are on here, young fella? You are look far too young to be conversing with Internet fools. It's a dangerous game... The Internet. Don't play with it.

Notorious*excuse the are. Simple human error.

Thephotographer@AnonymousToAnExt agree

Serpentine@AnonymousToAnExtent Same

Notorious@Totally😝 On a question answering spree, eh? You are all over my feed.

Serpentine@AnonymousToAnExtent You guessed right. 😜

Notorious@Totally😝 You comment on pretty decent questions (I did too obviously). It's interesting to read over my old comments. I've changed quite a bit within the last few months.

NotoriousSo thank you for giving me the opportunity to read over them and remember who it was that I pissed off in all of them lol

Serpentine@AnonymousToAnExtent Lol welcome

💛POLYVORE🌻like 5??