Girls I don't know what to do with my bf he where's me out sometimes but I love him I don't know what to do help me.

121 votes

Tell him to stop
328 votes

I'm not that find of person
69 votes

Dump his sorry ass
185 votes


Maggieif you can work it out then do that. But if he's not willing to cooperate and give effort than its best to go your separate ways.

Kelly <3Tell him how you feel. Think, is it something that I do that makes him where you out? And just watch closely and... Ya ;D

LizBe honest who knows he might change but just don't pressure him

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔that's what's wrong with me! But not like that

MYTgirl115🎤👯🎭Talk to him about it

kiarahyell at him

CalvnKlein#alivil, Wears you In what way?

Awhat do you mean by wears you out? physically? Emotionally? is he too up in your business? or is it just too much work to make it happen with him?

EmmaIf your not happy and would rather be single let him know