Is this girl pretty

227 votes

83 votes

440 votes

113 votes


L.O.V.Edon't listen to the people who said noooooooo because she's pretty

Victoria justice rocks@L.O.V.E I agree

Tamarayou should be a mode your very beautiful xx

EmilyJust because she's black ! Everyone who said no is racist because she is pretty !

alicexxx@Emily i don't think society is that bad

Epic Guyi said mabey

Samshe's beautiful, I love her hair

lilyYou are pretty only if u believe you r

tyshe's black she ain't nothin but nasty

Emily@alicexxx I think it is that bad :/

L.O.V.E@ty that's racists

jess@Emily that's a bit OTT not everyone who said no is racist

jessPeople do have their opinions u no

EmilyYeah they do but look at tys comment that's just mean and racist ty ! Ur nasty

Emily@ Jess ur just arguing because ur a loner and I'm amazing . Get a life


Emily@Sarina totally agree with u ! Don't u hate it when people are mean and say ugly ! Eg jess

jess@Emily do u even no what racist and nasty means how do u no I've put no? Ur just looking for an argument now so just comment if u want to say somet nice! Ok?

jessBut I do agree about what ty said but we can have our own opinions yh she's pretty I'm not saying she's not

L.O.V.E@jess alright so if u think she's pretty why did u put no ? And that is racisit also your the one looking for an argument !!!!

Emily@L.O.V.E I totally agree with u , she keeps arguing with me ! @ jess I do know what racist and nasty means thank u very much and how old r u anyway ?


jessI mean I don't agree of what ty said ..... Sorry :/

EmilyU said u did agree

jessI meant I don't agree

ShyCoolKid@ty go fuck yourself