Who's the hotties

Booboo Stewart
154 votes

Taylor lautner
506 votes


Love JB &1D taylor Laurent 4 sure but Booboo is do cute . I love both

Tutu B@Love JB & 1D ikr picking was kinda hard for me :P But if I didn't pic Taylor my friend said she'd kill me :/

Love JB &1D hhhhhhh why you don't like him ?

Bearyboo boo❀❀❀


Renee21πŸ’‹Booboo is the worst name ever like were the parents high when they named him ????

Jasmine@Renee21πŸ’‹ lmaoo

Tht muff Muff chick😘😘@Renee21πŸ’‹ I agree and he is to sexy fa tht name


Camile_00_forever_Taylor forever but booboo is cute too

Bella soooooooooo hard can't decide

Lalathey both hot