Best thing to do at a sleepover

Other (comment)
96 votes

Watch a movie
217 votes

Midnight feast
181 votes

Try stay up all night
360 votes


Jazzy✌up all night and play games in the dark

Jodie-Ann Hurst sleep

Claudia sex

user9674sex or snog

Annick RakkarEverything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

giadirectionerxxGames and sugar rush

gretaStay up all night talk and have a midnight feast



MimiroxBlind makeover

Georgia Alcohol

Georgia no way have fun obisly

user9674If my gf is there maybe stay up all night until every1 goes to sleep then touch her boobies Lol

Willow Talking about boys