Is HeyCrowd working right now? It isn't for me...

1661 votes

528 votes


bhWell then how did you comment

SwerveNaani14if heycrowd wasn't working for you, how did u post a question???

alexis@Naan0814 I know right

Anonymous100%@Naan0814 true that

Emma_auburn_girl_;p@Naan0814 exactly my point

Keep calm and do gymnastics@bh exactly

Ross_lover768Sometimes hey crowd does not work for me

Missjabba993if its not working how did you post this question

awesomeness24If it is not working then how did u post this question?

Missjabba993@awesomeness24 you copied my question

Lillypetalsget the updat

❤Mya❤how could it not work if u just said that

OstinIf its not working how could you've said that?

Love Naill💞how is it not working if you asked is so think

Love Naill💞I ment to say how is it not working if you just asked us a question


TayloreHow did you ask this then

ѕωιм;)Uhhh… then why are we all reading your question that you posted with hey crowd that is ‘not working’