Am I pretty?

524 votes

172 votes

Not really
124 votes

290 votes


121212you are so beautiful *__*

Kiersten Russothx

Lindsay @Kiersten Russo I wouldn't put that in ma heart since a person who's profile pic is mona lisa said that! So toooo badddd

Lindsay @121212 no offence;)

daBITCH@Kiersten Russo um sorry but u shouldn't ask that obvs u don't need an ego boost and there r some ppl with actual problems and lives and the last thing they need is to see this so maybe next time u think about that before u post something so bitchy.

Kiersten Russoalrighty then!

RachelDo u have a kik

RachelNo yes maybe

RachelUr so beautyful . Do u have a kik


leithonI wish you were my girlfriend

leithonyour buitiful

leithonI mean beautiful

leithonI could kiss you a million times if I can

leithonhow old are you

leithonI wish I could see you in Pearson

Ethan Dunne@Alyssa your hot and I am 14

Kiersten Russo@Alyssa ya I do but I'm not gonna give it to a stranger..

Kiersten Russo@Ethan Dunne how old r U cause u like a 9 y.o.

leithonI'm a 9 year old are you

leithonI mean I'm 10

leithonYour beautiful if you have a boyfriend he is very lucky to have you and I'm not just saying that to be nice your beautiful

Kiersten Russowell I'm 13 and yea I do have a bf

Shinedown01@Kiersten Russo beautitful


RachelYou know I'm the girl that got ur kik user name from u so I'm

WedPluto769@Alyssa you like my user name?


Aubrey @Kiersten Russo you are pretty but I'm a girl

Mary middlebrooksI think your pretty but guy everybody please stop asking if there pretty

Sugar Honey Ice Tea@Alyssa wats ur kik?


Gypsy lover(.)(.)

Deletedof course yes!

best boys <3You very ❤pretty❤

DeletedLike me, check out my questions :)

🍀Lind$ey🍀yes u r