This is my baby bird chito is he cute

47 votes

153 votes

131 votes

641 votes


janelyPlease comment on what kind of bird you have

EmdogMy friend ( who can't spell ) loves birds

janelyCool do you have eny birds?

ShaeI don't have any birds anymore, I used to have a yellow canary. I love your bird!

ShaeP.Ps. Love the mini bike! :)

janelyThanks just trying to keep my baby bird cool 😎😎😎😎😎

bookwormi used to have a pair of finches, but they died. πŸ˜” Your bird is cute!

rebeccaI have a conure 2 canaries 5 baby doves 3 baby chicks and 2 baby turkeys

Danielle1234321@Emdogi have four of those birds(cockatiels

prettypony347awwww adorable I want a bird

Emcockatiel!!! I have one, and she's all white! πŸ₯

Danielle1234321yup it's a cockatiel

janelyThanks those are all nice comments about my baby bird!πŸ˜™πŸ˜πŸ˜‰β˜ΊπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„

Danielle1234321i have for of them and Thieerr sooo cute

janelycool post a picture of them. By the way I have three baby birds

⚾Baseball girl ⚾nerd!! Cute bird though

Danielle1234321I have two adults and they have babies every year:))

janelyHow I'm I a nerd awsome123


Bridget yes

janelyyes what Bridget

JuliannaI like his name.& it's funny how he has his own bike

janelyWell I came up whith it's name when I was eating Cheetos