Have you kept your favourite teddy when you were a child?

Never had one
227 votes

521 votes

2928 votes


ljcool St dog

elisaStill am a child well I'm 11 and almost 2months

Leah Wolstenholmelost it in August though:(:(:(: I loved my teddy soooooooooooooooop much!!!!!

Jaia I am a teddy lover

Xx Courtney xXmines a monkey lol

Num1LittleMixfan@elisa not 11 9

k.a.y.a_xyah xx

Elpinky <3 My pink teddybear my dad won it for me on the fair when I was 3 years old! I can't sleep with out it

Lee🔺🔵🔴🔺🔶🔷I am still a child

jassyI've kept mine it's a pig called trotter

Diana F PriceI have a lot but my two favourites are: Alfie and woof

Herbz xxxI still sleep with mine! ( I'm 11) it's a King Charles Spaniel called Oggy Doggy. When I was 1 I couldn't say doggy so it was Oggy and then I learnt to say doggy so it's Oggy doggy

chloeiv still got my first ever teddy that I got in the hospital, off my dad :)

VolcanicIceStill my fave I'd be so sad if something happened to it

Zoë😊@charcoal redwinter you wrote me a comment🌀

lulu styles 😋mine is a snow man

😈LucyPipeFTW😈i am a teddy lover, sleep with out it, hospital off my dad

Angelayou spelled favorite wrong. Dumb sh*t.