Would u date or dump me

314 votes

188 votes

687 votes

86 votes


cohoim a chick

EntrezVotreNomI'm a girl & you're too young to date or marry, aren't you? But you're cute ^^

Lynn I know but I wanted to what people would pick

Love JB &1D your too young ppl can't pick .they would pick dump .

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔Yeah and I'm too young too! Dumpy !

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔also I'm a girl!!

Maria I'm a Girl

lexi@Fire, Devil Girl lol ikr

neverfornothing you are pretty way to young and I am a girl so just no

Pumkin808even if I'm a boy, I would definitely dump u

GraceI'm a girl....

AubrieLaneYou are WAY TOO YOUNG!

Lynn @Pumkin808 u r a huge BRAT!!!!!;p

Shinedown01@Pumkin808 that was mean

Shinedown01your cute but I'm a girl ------------

SwerveNaani14I'm a girl, but ur pretty

brooke62199Your so young!

Love JB &1D I'm a girl too so ...

ray rayI don't know how to answer that question........

AlexisI'm a girl


Jess4860I'm a girl

Hunger games addict@Pumkin808 lol me too.

kittykatyou're pretty but I'm a girl so I wouldn't date you


Germain Vingataraminyou are a little girl. Certainly not 40. You should take your time

HenryMyDogI'm a girl