What would u rather do

Swim In a pool of spiders
42 votes

Have a snake round you neck
168 votes

Stand in the toilet
434 votes

Ew paper cut your neck
205 votes


User 019263749This is not nice

Selenastar7148Y u doin this to us what did we ever do lol

Tegan😘I have 5 snakes and one of them is a boa constrictor and I have her round my neck, she's 6ft long :D

Abby💜✨💍@Tegan Walmsley snakes scare me

Abby💜✨💍@Selenastar8901 lol!xx

Cuz I can ride!!!!🏇Had a snake around my neck

Abby💜✨💍@Perf equestrian🏇 really?? 😔 x