Do you believe it is important for musicians to be made aware of the ear disease tinnitus (starts with a ringing in your ears and can result in deafness)

59 votes

Yes, it is very important!
147 votes

No, they should know already.
41 votes


Wolfyeah. I'm a drummer (as u can see from my pic). And my old drum tutor got it and I had to stop having lessons

monkeyfaceit isn't a disease it's a symptom

Lucygeorginaxx 💋I've got it because I used to be deaf when I was little but my hearing got better but when I had a really bad ear infection it damaged my ear so now I've got it and every time a long noise comes on my ear starts ringing and it hurts :(

Lucygeorginaxx 💋*loud

Lucygeorginaxx 💋I've got it because I used to be deaf when I was little but my hearing got better but when I had a really bad ear infection it damaged my ear so now I've got it and every time a long noise comes on my ear starts ringing and it hurts :(

Lucygeorginaxx 💋*loud