What is your favorite color?

126 votes

338 votes

365 votes

981 votes


FlamePrincessAisha PURPLE!!!

Animal loverorange

Princess 44purple

CheyCheyDuck colors +purple!!:D

#LoveeNooDisrespect ❀✌PURPLE!

Swimmeri want to eat all the colors!

jajaof course

briana_angelina_wilsonthats a koo' cake ;)

Harry Purple

Princess pink


Cherry375i want cake now

Princess @Cherry375 I know right

🏈 Football Girl 🏈@Princess pink do u have a kik?

Princess @Jenna what's a kik

🏈 Football Girl 🏈@Princess pink never mind wait how old are you?

Princess @Jenna tell me

🏈 Football Girl 🏈@Princess pink basically it's a texting app how old are you? Though

🏈 Football Girl 🏈@Princess pink do u have a phone number? If u don't you can't get one

Princess @Jenna 12 how old r u

🏈 Football Girl 🏈@Princess pink 14

Princess @Jenna cool

Princess @Jenna what's ur #

🏈 Football Girl 🏈@Princess Bieber on kik? I'm not giving you my phone number

LOLWhat a great cake ! :-)

🏈 Football Girl 🏈@Cher Lloyd531 u have a kik?


Michaela rains@🐢AMINA🐱 black is not a color it's a shade if you don't know oh and mine is purple

emmalight yellow

One directions girlfriend ! 😍PURPLE!!!!

Hayley florespurple

DaynaORANGE!!! πŸ’›+❀=:)

mollie xxturquoise 😊😍

Lily TomlinsonOrange!!!!!

SwerveNaani14@Hayley flores: yup

I❀Taylor SwiftPINK!!!!!!!!!

Hi_its me MaddiePurple&&Yellow!!!;)

KIKI <3 lumo green nd purple


CutieπŸŽ€πŸ’œπŸŒˆπŸ­I mean same 😏
