Do you still watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

1101 votes

Never seen it
1159 votes

Yes I love it!!!
228 votes

I used to
369 votes



Natalya๐Ÿ’€๐ŸŒธ@Izzy I do too!! It's amazing!! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ™ˆ๐ŸŒธ

Angel lover@Izzy omg.. Same love it got all videos and dvds aswell as a load of other stuff i even have 2 buffy tattoos.. A bit sad ano lol x

David Bellhow is the top answer you didn't see it? That's sad.

Call_me_isabelle@Angel lover REAL TATTOOS????

NinaMiosotisLol actually watching it at d moment I'm @ d 5th season! Luv it

NinaMiosotisa lot of people know about buffy d vampire slayer but never watched it ,it used to be d case for me b4 it still is 4 most of my friends!

parisinblackandwhiteOne of my favorite shows still.

Bricemy favorite episode was once more with feeling! Buffy the Musical hahaha

alicexxxit's rubbish

SpartyMannI'm gonna go on utube 2 c it now BRB!

daBITCHXander 4-evah!

jokeloved it

rmisminelove that show

Bruno Mars <3Yes :D