Do u think the phrase Y.O.L.O is immature

Don't give a flying flip
99 votes

145 votes

162 votes

It's only for people who have no life and are immature children
64 votes


lexiwhat does it mean 4got

Sarah only because of how it has been used as an excuse to do something stupid

Sarah @lexi You Only Live Once

Matty b raps girl yolo isn't really true because u got to lives one in the real world and one when u pass and go with the creator but kids jut say it cause we're cool not immature so if I were u I wouldn't call kids immature cause u were a kid once to who ever wrote thi question

BVB_loverIt's not immature it's just stupid. Before it was made did people they lived twice or something?

Michael MoonI think You Only Live Once should encourage people NOT to do stupid crap

Ethandid she really just say "a flying flip"?
