What is your favorite hair color?

506 votes

Ginger(Red head)
204 votes

867 votes

Non natural colors.
225 votes


savannahi am blonde


Lexi :) i am blonde but i wish I could have black or red hair

Carly mahonebrunette cause I'm one

Brittney They say blondes have more fun ( it's true )

Brenna KellyBRUNETTE

Maggie L.@savannah me to

Maggie L.@alexis I agree

luis Suarez xxxx blonde

Renee21💋Brunette cause I am one

Girl version of Sam Dirty blonde!!!!!!😜


kiarahI wish I was blonde

Brettneywish I had blonde hair I have red

HarleyQuinni have blonde hair


angellieredhead ginger

Haleyislike Im biased blond 😊

GigiI'm a red head

Emily brownI want blond

GigiI like my red hair

Paaula@Emily brown me tomo

Paaula@Emily brown sorry

Paaula@Emily brown me too

eggsbright red or purple