Do you have a nickname ?

I don't care
8 votes

I don't want a nick name
5 votes

32 votes

Yes (what is it leave comment )
99 votes


Jen It's Jen my real name is Jenna

cloclo, my name is chloe

OliviaLiv or Via

Kailakk real name is kaila

okashaoki real name is okasha

lexireal name: Alexis. Nickname: Lexi

JessicaJessie real name Jessica


Mattey Real name: Matthew Nickname: Mattey or rabbit

πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹Real name: Anisa Nickname: Nisa or Neice

Ella RoseRosie and Ell-Ell: real name is Ella Rose

Born2BMy nick mame is kk but I guess @Kaila stole it so it is now Kay-Kay!!!

Angelmy names Angelina my nicknames angel

brennaReal name Brenna nickname Brenna Bean or BB

Brianna WebsterBri

NannaNanna since my name is Alonnah , and the other... Sunshine is what my mom calls me.

delvonDel, little big man,the nigga

Kaylagiggles I giggle a lot. My real name is kayla.

Katie Sperring Young blood I hate my nickname lol

IpakiPad and dance My real name is ipak

IpakAnd they also call me 6 pack and 4 pack


B!KKABanka or rat

B!KKADon't ask

Subwaymy name is sabrina and my nickname is sabi :)

RIMSHA MALIKreal name rimsha nickname richi

Lexi :) Ally or Lex my real name is Alexis

abbieb_xox9Mine is Abz