Do you own a pair of DM'S ( dr martins ) ??..

Yep and I got them off e-bay!.
46 votes

No!. I know what they are but I can't be arsed to buy a pair!
345 votes

Yeah!. I love them SOOO much!.
169 votes

No!. I don't even know what they are cause I'm bad ass!.
340 votes


Angel xxyour mean 😠

robotnik52whaaa who and how?

SmileyI LOVE DM's

Aimz@Angel xx who is mean.i cant afford dms tbh



kaykayYour mean 😰😰😰😠😠😠😠😡😡😠😡😠😡😠

Hope_Spencer_Buckellove dm, really want a pair!