What is the best yo momma joke

Yo mommas so fat when she went 2 the beach the whales sung we r family
185 votes

Yo mommas so short she has to slam dunk her oyster card
56 votes

Yo mommas so old i told her 2 act her age and she died
97 votes

I hate all these jokes as i have no sense of humour 
130 votes


Tomyour mommas so poor she walks down the street with one shoe. And when people ask if she lost one she says no I found one.

Monkeyface92yo momma's so fat, she passed in front of the TV and I missed half the show.

Ixo3000Your mommas so poor I went to her house and I saw her waving an ice cube around. I asked her what she was doing, and she said 'air conditioning'

Ixo3000Oh and did you get this from an app?

hannah6424your mommas so fat when she saw a yellow bus full of white kids, she yelled "stop that Twinkie!"

hannah6424your mommas so old when they came out with wrinkle reducers try based it off of her wrinkles

hannah6424your mommas so fat when they had whoppers for a limited time she ate them all because she thought she didn't have enough time to get them.

hannah6424hope u like my jokes message me for more

RoseElizabeth🌸Yo mammas so fat that she got baptised at sea world

👠FasionPictures👠your mamas so ugly that when she came out of the haunted house she got a job application!!!!!!! X

kaylaLol these are all so funny and literally made me lol