Does this sound like a book you would read? ( writing a novel)

Can't read ur ugly hand writing!!!
64 votes

Yes!!! Omigosh ,yes
41 votes

No, not mah type of book
23 votes


Superwoman This preview is cool I would read it.Check out this app called wattpad you can share your stories and read others people's

Nature Lover (GTH)I can't read it that well, so I just gave up

Mahomie4lifeI couldn't really read it but I'm sure it's awesome!

ErikaI can't read it sorry lol

zoink1214I can't see it well Please take a better photo

Braulio Justyna Lopez SanchezIts not your hand writing, its the quality of the pic

Zoë^what he said. It does sound like am interesting read though. :)

👊Duchessjohanna👊Writing a book is more than your idea. It's the way you execute it. Character development, writing style, pacing. Tons of shit comes into play. I'd start with short stories first and as I get older evolve my writing into books. (I'm a writing major at my high school, so this is sorta my thing). You can always message me for advice.

Rosie I agree it is the picture not your writing that makes it difficult to read but I could work out what it says and I think it is good. I do agree with everything 👊Duchessjohanna👊 says but I think you are really talented at writing! Keep it up!

myathis is not a bad book but I had a lot of trouble reading it not because of your handwriting but because the picture was too small