Is she pretty??

161 votes

She's in the middle!
103 votes

514 votes

153 votes


Sara Leanna yes!

Isabella Henson Well I'm not going to say everybody is pretty cuz we all kno good and well that is bull but she is pretty and if u think she isn't well shame on you and I am one of those ppl who think that u dont have to be skinny to be pretty and that the size of your jeans doesn't tell if u r beautiful or not wat counts is wat is on the inside and being kind nice and being yourself 5,000 tons of makeup is not beauty neither is calling others fat or being to wear areopostel clothing I wish ppl could except the fact that everybody is different and not everybody is skinny I wish I could live in the time period when if u could see meat and not bones it was beautiful being super skins is not so girls stop trying different diets just so a guy will like u if he can't appreciate u at your size he doesn't deserve u at all

Isabella Henson @JUST A BVB REBEL that is nicely said

Isabella Henson @JUST A BVB REBEL I kno thank u so much someone understands

Nicole @JUST A BVB REBEL wow yes you're right

πŸ’šπŸ‘—βœŒJadeβœŒπŸ‘—πŸ’šIM WAY HOTTER

RayanSorry but your not that cool your just ok! Sorry but your good

Dat boi popplioBlurry pic

~unKownxx@HungerGames&1D your just a little fucked up ok so go suck off you 1D posters and leave her alone (: