Have you ever dissected a frog

145 votes

204 votes

I wish
72 votes

Eww gross
29 votes


sarahthat's mean

Michael MoonSkinned and gutted a deer and squirrel

RereI'm gonna be forced to this year in school πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜– really don't want to!

hello my homies :pI did it with salt. I throw salt on top of the frog and he slowly dissect.

Kayla says hiI did with a deer heart for school

NonameI will be doing it this year for science class

Inactiveyuck I did for science! EWW! And I dissected a sheep heart and brain... My Partner did all the work though LOL

Inactivewell I wrote down stuff...But she touch it... Oh and and we had to do an eye ball too....I hate science

L I L YI can wait to do it, I LOVE SCIENCE

hello my homies :p@Lily me too!!

L I L Y*cant

YOLO!!βœŒοΈβœŒοΈπŸ’‹πŸ’‹βœŒοΈβœŒοΈπŸ˜œπŸ˜œI didn't do it yet, but I can't wait to!! My sister did it with a human heart!

Lolita That's a little disturbing for me cause l have three frogs as pets and that makes me feel like I'm dissecting my own pet.

Aryanna TaylorI would only do it if they were actually dead, not chlorified

EthanYeah, the smell like green beans

Joelee Apontei did the other day it was really cold

Calisun360not yet, but I've dissected a cow eyeball

Mrs. Niall HoranI'm gonna have to

BlueRedyup did it. I've also seen a dissected cat, pig and shark

emraldYEYeah, and a crayfish. With no gloves. It was awesome! But the crayfish stank.

Cutie3.NotInUse. In eight grade, I got sent to the nurse after vomiting , while dissecting a frog

😝ELLIEπŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‰I'm going to

Gigi@BlueRed oh my god really. I'm really sensitive to stuff like that