Worst pain?

174 votes

305 votes

704 votes

1398 votes


🎡❀Erin❀🎡Stomach ache

Mrs Natasha McCarthyperiod

Matthew Hoppeyou forgot stepping on a Lego. ;)

lulu styles πŸ˜‹@smudgy12 yes

My Little Pony Animestab on the heart!

MePaper cuts! I hate them! @Mrs Natasha McCarthy


Hahamigraine sorry

lizziePeriod pain

Kimmy Hayscramps πŸ˜–

Sara@Matthew Hoppe fuck that hearts

Sarawtf herts

SamDeffo period pain

Sara@Natasha McCarthy 🐣 nice pic of you

Mrs Natasha McCarthy@Sara aww thanks x

Sara@Natasha McCarthy 🐣 yw

Leahstepping on a plug!

Jolly Legs JakeStepping on lego, burn from a hot pan and cutting urself while slicing ghost chilies

Katystepping on a hard McDonald toy and stomach aches

Mol_Mae_2402Headaches killllll

Goldiechops Does periods heartπŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯ plus heart burn



VaginaI've Ben grazed by a 30ot6 bullet that hurt but the worst was when I was drunk and i tackled a cactus

Aliceperiod and broken bone

pineappleCarpet burn,stomach aches, really it seems like anything hurts me hahaha

Im the biggest JLSter and Union Jcat!!!!!!! Ok?!!!!<3period