Me and my friend are bored in spanish class.... What can we do

Talk loud and interrupt the class
176 votes

202 votes

86 votes

Pay attention.
284 votes


Marleyundeadyell random things in german

YashikaPass notes around ;)

nugget_babyplay the penis game

💟Nae 💟Nae@Yashika yea that's always fun

💟Nae 💟Nae@nugget_baby 😬😬😬😬 Ummm.....

Kenzie;)@💟Nae💟Nae💟. I agree... The boys at my school play it sometimes... 😟😟😁😁😬😬😖

McKenna @Makee-gee🐶💏😘🎨⚾ idk what it is what is it

NonameJust pass notes around I do that in band lol

Mr awesomedoodle

Eric Johnson@nugget_baby I love playing that its so funny when someone gets caught


Proud_mahomie❤ @Marleyundead LOL

Aeries@Eric Johnson what is it?

SexylatinaJust scream aloud .... Arriba... Si .. Si ... Me gusta .... vámonos .... Adiós ... Muchas gracias!!!

Epicness will eat uDraw random things... Try writing words in different colors and fonts


MyChemicalRomance10and purposely snore loud so "sleep"