Is she pritty.

I'd date her
40 votes

She's nice
234 votes

We'd be pals
109 votes

She's ugly
296 votes


MoonNo offense but your UGLY!!!

Robcute spelling, lol. Are you about 5?

Nicoletteugly u spell pretty like this pretty

sparklegirrlhehe your spelling is funny spell pretty like this: pritty

Riley@Rob lol

SpencerWell im her defense, no one exactly pronounces it like prehtty.


NicoleShe ain't ugly

Spencer@Nicole Of couse not, people just get tired of this question

SoDevilishShe's still young! When she'll grow up she will be a pretty woman :)

PLLfan#1@Nicole IKR. I hate all the people who say that people are ugly

SophiaU spelled pretty wrong!
