My dads new girlfriend is his ex wife I don't think he likes her I don't so what do I do plz help

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FlamePrincessAisha Well, okay, you shouldn't have to worry about it, there's a difference between looking happy and being happy...if your dad isn't happy he'd break up with her himself

Rachel alwaysIf ur dad doesn't seem happy, u should talk to him. Tell him how YOU feel than ask him how he feels.

Anime minecraft gamer budder chic@FlamePrincessAisha he is trying to make my mom mad but it's not working he think it is

Anime minecraft gamer budder chic@Rachel always I did he got mad at me

Andrea Chรกvez its ok ๐Ÿฌ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŸ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿญ

Annabellestay tough, if he isn't happy then he won't let it get serious so there's nothing to worry about... If that doesn't.Work then go to a close friend and see if they can help you out in anyway but just make sure not to get into anything that you can't get out of with your dad it's not worth it... Trust me

emmaIf you think he's not happy then you should try to tell him but be careful how you say it you don't want to make him not trues you so don't seem like you're meddling in his business that should work

briana_angelina_wilsontell him he needs to find someeone that he enjoys having time with and is actually reallly likes her !

briana_angelina_wilsonand if he gets mad , just be as mad as he is , cause you just want whats right for him .


jamy Sit him down and be like dad do you really like her and find out what he says

Saxophone Catthis might not be very good advice but tell him what he's doing is creepy.

bunny12Stay out of his love life and maybe ask him about it

luvabull wtf he's ex wife is his girl?

Miss. BallerinaMaybe your dad will fall for her and maybe not, if you really care about him, do something that will cheer him up!

Anime minecraft gamer budder chicThanks great advise I've been trying to make my sisters happy so I had to ask what should I tell him

KayleeHey keep your head up I'm kind of in the same situation it'll get better๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‰

TeaThey broke up once they will probably brake up again so don't worry be happy ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Why So Serious๐Ÿ’€Tell him that you don't like her

shan xxx โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™ask him about her.

Rosie talk to him about your feelings

Ajara JagneJust stay in your place your a kid

Marisa ๐Ÿ˜if he doesn't like her then he will probably break up with her

Lolita U should have a private conversation with your dad and ask him a few questions so you'll no 4 sure but then u should tell your dad that it is making u uncomfortable thinking about him being with someone he doesn't love

Emo/TomboyGirltalk to her. Be like "look hunny bunch. U guys USED to be married. Ik my dad rocks and is awesome but u gonna have to move on to someone on UR level. My dad is at AWESOMENESS+epic I'm at swagtastic And u BARELY made it to cool. BTW cool means Constipated Over weighted Out of style Loser. Sad isn't it. Too bad tho. Please leave" THE END ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

olarvenmake them angry at each other and take your dads side

Natasia VenturaI don't know.

tanya mehta@emo/tomboy girl nailed it!

habibaI think even if ur smarter than your dad that doesn't mean that he can't make his own choices.... Just leave him do what he wants it's his life and try to make some advice in a good way the stay out of it

๐Ÿ‘‘JohnKnowsWhat'sUp๐Ÿ‘‘ignore it he can do Wut he wants girl, and so can you! #girlpower