What's Peetas real name?

What do I care
43 votes

62 votes

Who knows
89 votes

412 votes


Pi=3.1415926535897 cookie monster omm nom nom pasta party, cous cous party, ice cream yum party troll face forever alone minecraftia diggy diggy hole griefer dwarf clone army CAMEL light switch lamp shape the cleaner pigs fly treeborg the 194th?simples!!aPeeeta

Arfajosh hutcherson

its_jocelyn_thoe@Pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097 Cookie Monster ommmmmm nommmmmm nommmmmm long name.

Pi=3.1415926535897 cookie monster omm nom nom pasta party, cous cous party, ice cream yum party troll face forever alone minecraftia diggy diggy hole griefer dwarf clone army CAMEL light switch lamp shape the cleaner pigs fly treeborg the 194th?simples!!a@its_jocelyn_thoe noooooooooooooo...

Pi=3.1415926535897 cookie monster omm nom nom pasta party, cous cous party, ice cream yum party troll face forever alone minecraftia diggy diggy hole griefer dwarf clone army CAMEL light switch lamp shape the cleaner pigs fly treeborg the 194th?simples!!aI'm at the limit though 😞

IT IS GOAT !!!!!!Josh Hutcherson


HTechnically, Peeta's real name isn't Josh, it's still Peeta. The actor that plays him is called Josh.



biancadiangelo101well Peetas real name is Peeta but the actor is Josh Hutcherson

muke.are.rejectsJosh Hutcherson I have a poster on my wall!!

JasminePeetas name is peeta, the actor in film is josh

mixer72Was he in bridge to terabithia

Chiara β€οΈπŸ’‹i love he 😍

crystalrosebff@Jasmine so true

#ice_hockey_superstxrI love peeta (Joshua) he is my bae

CaramelBlueHis real name is Joshua Ryan Hutcherson . Aka Josh Hutcherson