Your favorite I drew all of them

37 votes

81 votes

151 votes

118 votes


sarahyou drew those๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™Š

green monkey I love it all when I am bored at school I drawl on my hand

๐ŸŽถAlex๐ŸŽถI love them all

Laura Is that right on your skin because u gotta be careful

Lexi :) ya lol I draw on my hand to when I'm bored

Sponge007u cud get skin cancer

Ordinarypersonsponge007 is right

Tiger๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ@Sponge007 really,

pellinor@Sponge007 no you can get INK POISONING you can't get skin cancer from ink honey

Jeff ink poisoning coming your way dude!!

Nature Lover (GTH)o.O that's impressive, but you could get ink poisoning from doing that

TheBootyGodI think you can only get ink poisoning from getting ink into a cut or something. But other than that this is really good!

_MyChemicalUriePilots_@pellinor Ya u can get skin cancer

AI suggest trying henna instead; way safer!


LoveNeverFadesit's good but u could get ink poisoning

_MyChemicalUriePilots_@Epabon yeah

_MyChemicalUriePilots_@A I hate henna tattoos they last a long time

DeadBatI usually draw stars or cubes with triangles in them all over my hands.. You're making art work man. ๐Ÿ˜