What is he worst feeling?

A breakup
221 votes

Having your crush tell you your so ugly
293 votes

Losing a loved one
644 votes


emmapuqueing whal having to run 4 more miles

savannaAll of them


FlorenceAll of them, just imagine the guy you liked told you you were ugly. He wouldn't be worth it

Autumn@Florence that's what my friends crush told her, she stills likes the guy -.-

MentalInsanityLosing loved ones

One directions girlfriend ! 😍i don't get the QUESTION!!!!

marvinmy crush told me that then next day hes being a suck up because he said that when a teacher was walking by him

I love you HiddlestonIf the "loved one"is someone from my family, then yes..

Eric Johnson@autumnpifer that poor girl:( I would be crushed

Reem ChehabLosing a loved one is the worse thing ever :(( I lost my best friend a year ago

NicoleHow can losing a loved one and a breakup even be put in the same category?!?!? Losing a family member sucks forever! A stupid breakup is a breakup wasn't meant to be! And you'll probably forget about in awhile!

jessAll of them

Autumn@💗Sexy..........💗 I know! I feel bad for her :(

Eric Johnson@Autumn Paige ya same

Bearyloosing a loved one

#😊~bedaboo~{☺}Nah the worst feeling is if the girl/guy is single and you get closer to them about to ask them out (guys) and she get already asked out by another guy. Or (girls) get closer with the guy he asks you out but your parents dont agree