What language do you think is the number one most spoken language in the world?

27 votes

Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese)
207 votes

Hindi (language of India)
36 votes

English (any accent)
1189 votes


lizzieIt is actually mandarin FACT

ErinπŸ’•@lizzie yup



belieber_girl4everjustinduh English

Suzieit depends if its the most spoken SECOND language in the world, or the MOTHER TONGUE language (first language). So you haven't really included enough info. If its first language I guess it's Mandrin. If its most common second language it's definitely English lol

belieber_girl4everjustinwell your wrong

ErinπŸ’•Look at my new question!!!

o____Oimsoswavvy@πŸ’œπŸ’›EπŸ’›πŸ’œ u have no questions

Xxx_Hero_xxX@o____Oimsoswavvy omg I have that pig pic got it on hey crowd took a screen shot

omniahsure English but it should be American accent