Do these look good

583 votes

361 votes


Carly mahonewhere did you get those?!?!?

NinimoneEwwww gross watermelon ORIOS? Orios are fine black. It's bad enough they then went to far with making nasty white Oreos, and now WATERMELON? Ewww

Ninimoneand no wonder spelling ORIOS looked funny lol it's Oreos

PersonnnI would try them.

McKenna Where'd you get those

SpencerY r oreos coming up with crappy flavors now?

SpencerI ❤ the originals.

Maggie L.Where did u get them


JennySparkles💎💎❤️❤️that's gross #barf

aryonaI had them there are so good

🌸 Sindi 🌸@Spencer I KNOW!! 😩

TheReal$oularThis is a black mans kryptonite

Koryeewww. Those look nasty

sebnemI ment no


fiestytype😜ewwwww. Oreos are good regular watermelon. Sounds disgusting

fiestytype😜just saying******