What comes first the chicken or the egg ?

1932 votes

1905 votes


Asad MirThe chicken.

Asad Mirhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1294341/Chicken-really-DID-come-egg-say-scientists.html

George @Asad Mir v

George @Asad Mir you Carnt open link on here

jack Anderson @Asad Mir it's the egg because chickens evolved from dinosaurs

Laurait's the egg because the chicken comes out of the egg :P

JustdoingmeThe chicken, it probably evolved from another creature

emYeah god made 2 chickens peeps

theFISTConsidering land animals evolved from reptilians and reptilians lay eggs the chicken came a few hundred million years after the egg

Hopemeant to press chicken* the chicken needs to lay the egg, but the chicken itself could have evolved from something else.

Samuel Deanthe egg, dinosaurs came way before chickens, logic

Hannah it was so the chicken because it evolved from another animal :b

Crusher <3egg. It doesn't say who's egg. Could be a dinosaur egg.

Samuel Dean@ZBug YOU JUST COPIED ME!!!!

Call_me_isabelleI don't even know!!!! Why does everyone ask this??

Monkeyface92Well, the egg didn't lay itself, did it? I say chicken.

Monkeyface92Okay, what came first, the egg or the dinosaur? The dinosaur of course, cause eggs don't lay themselves. Hence, it's impossible for any egg, whether dinosaur or chicken, to come first.

Vlada Non of them because if it was a chicken It must of come from a egg if it was an egg it have had to come from a chicken

BrennaI think the chicken because god made all animals in the beginning

I <3 little mix @em god mad a chicken and a roster

fjbvdjwhere did the egg come from îf there's no chicken? Hu

kimmycheck out my question x 💌💫💬☺. And it's the chicken:L.

Awesome scientists confirmed it

Rhys fuck logic

Erik Diaz Paganunless the baby chick is freakin immortal and cant die and we are in fact talking about just an ordinary egg that will hatch to be an ordinary chick then the chicken came first to protect and care for the egg to ensure its survival obviously. When a baby is born does it take care of itself?


Giancarloits 50-50 now

Giancarloits egg because god created eggs first


Call_me_isabelleI think chicken

Jack ParrishI love the 50/50 split XD

ToshaChicken, evolution evolved it into a chicken before it could lay a chicken.

Giorgio AlbimontiThe right answer will always be the cell, even if we admit the existence of a hypothetical god. So, between those two answers, the one which fits better to what i've said is certainly the egg, which is known as nothing more than a giant cell.

Giancarloits 50-50 now

Giancarloits egg because god created eggs first


Call_me_isabelleI think chicken

Jack ParrishI love the 50/50 split XD

ToshaChicken, evolution evolved it into a chicken before it could lay a chicken.

Giorgio AlbimontiThe right answer will always be the cell, even if we admit the existence of a hypothetical god. So, between those two answers, the one which fits better to what i've said is certainly the egg, which is known as nothing more than a giant cell.

zagadeeIt's the egg. chickens evolved from a previous chicken-like species (let's call it a proto-chicken). This evolution is caused by favourable mutation, a change in the DNA that turned the proto-chicken into a chicken. The first time this chicken DNA was found..... The egg. Which was laid by the proto-chicken but not by our modern day chicken-chicken.

sierraraine @zagadee is right


Effiemae242You guys are butt wonderers

One direction are GAYit's unanswerable

cannibalunicorn@zagadee is right. Saw it on a science YouTube video I forget the name of the channel though.

ToshaYes because the Internet doesn't lie.

JasperOMFG lol it's 50/50 I thought I was going to get a definitive answer finally

cannibalunicorn@Tosha yes it does but if you're intelligent you can tell if its a trustworthy source and if what the material provided seems legit.

Tosha@cannibalunicorn Fucking sarcasm...

BabyStarbucks🌸Why can't it be a Ducky!? Not a chicken

cannibalunicorn@Tosha woah someone's got a mouth? You didn't learn your sarcasm from a tv commercial did you?

User 153365hay

Tosha@cannibalunicorn no I learned it from your mother.

Abigail Harvey For crying out loud the chicken has to come before the egg because you need to chicken to make the egg and God created the chicken And if you don't believe in God then both came first

HellsAngelthe egg because that will either have been created by two different species of animal mating or a mutation in a different animal, either way the egg comes first.