I think this guy is good looking (if u know what I mean) but what should I do? We don't go to the same school :/

Leave him alone, you don't go to the same school so what's the point
13 votes

Get his number STRAIGHT away!!
44 votes

Play cool, talk to him!!
99 votes

Be yourself, but try not to be embarrassing (please leave any helpful comments)
44 votes


MYSTERYbe yourself if you express the real you then he might fall in love with you.You never know

amberif u be urself and tell him more about u and get to know him he might become interested in u and u guys might become more then just friends but u don't want to rush the guy cause then he will just feel awkward and wired about it so just take it slow and let it lead were it goes so flirt a little and just be friends ad then he might feel more confident about asking u out but don't rush things and never lie to him cause it will end up bad and never be afraid to tell him how u feel or see how he is

💜🐼👊PURPLE-PANDA-POWER👊🐼💜wink at him

MarissaDon't go right in to being in a relationship first be his friend make sure you hang with his friend and see if they like you if they don't he won't date you so try to get them to like you