Do you think people will freak out if i admit I'm bi ?

Yes that's gross
269 votes

No be who you are
484 votes

Yes people are judge mental
247 votes

No no one cares
136 votes


MeBe urself

Suzie๐Ÿ˜Just be who you are cause if you were my mates i wouldnt givva shit i would treat you the same! Its just those pathetic haters that would criticise you but no1 cares bout them so be yourself

๐ŸŽตโคErinโค๐ŸŽตI'm bi too but i haven't told anyone for the same reasons as u xx


๐ŸŽธJade@IM THE BIGGEST JLS FAN OK !! When you like your gender and the opposite gender. It's really called bisexual.

๐ŸŽธJadeBe yourself. Being bi is fine just like if you're straight, gay, or lesbian.

Abby๐Ÿ’œโœจ๐Ÿ’Be yourself nobody can judge you cause that's who u r

Zayn MalikBe urself:)

SmileyBe who u r :)

Bilal03be you

Brenda Don't worry about what others think just as long as ur happy ^.^

Crazychic123@Brenda yea

maisy + 1Direction!! X Be who u r n dont listen to the creeps who say its gross to be bi!!

Barbzit takes alot to be Bi and the struggle that comes with it, my best friend Is gay and he went through such a struggle, even sexual harassment from another boy messing about, but if you are mentally strong and you think you can do it, do it! 'Just be true to who you are'xxx I suggest you come out now! and it depends how people at your school are, if there is lots of bullying, don't just make an announcement saying 'I'm BI'! Just make it obviously so people can work it out in there own time, And also don't tell lots of friends like my gay BFF , the secret made its way out and the bullying started but just tell a teacher or a parent and the bullying or whatever should stop! Good luck friend!xxxx

FJDdon't worry I am bi u will be fine telling people I did so u can to

cleo13You being yourself =๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

saliThat depends on where do you love ... My country has the right to kill gay people

Chocokitty33Be who you are because that's all that matters โค

Georgie888Be who you want to be. It doesn't matter is your straight, gay or bi :)

Hey, it's just me ๐Ÿ™ˆNo, I once thought I was bi , told my friend she was perfectly ok :)

Lily :DI'm bi

Mattthey will freak. Not because its wrong to be no but because society is fucked up. If I were you I'd admit it to everyone. Defy society. But that's just me. Do what you think is right.

newlondonfire i seriously hope the people who clicked "Yes that's gross" had their finger slip :)))

โคToni HoranโคBe yourself

UncleGrampaL0LHaha kidding

UncleGrampaL0LI am too

Musicloverit's ok I am too, just be yourself ;)

๐Ÿ˜YOLO๐Ÿ˜U be u

jassybe yourself it's fine

It'sCallumDo whatever you want, it's 2014, be yourself! Don't let anyone tell you who you are and fuck the haters who label everybody, being bi is not being "greedy" it's perfectly fine