Most true ...

135 votes

136 votes

103 votes

56 votes



Ruth :)

bencrockerAgain? You're omnipresent -.-

Ruth Huh?

Ruth @bencrocker

abbeyThey are actually all true!

Cherry RougeOmg lollollollol!!!

Hannah Millsthe green and pink ones are the most true in my opinion

Nicola MccartneyThey are all so true !

Heatherthe green one 😂 so true

💩ha ha i actually do think if i go in my bedroom and the blind is not down i think there will be a face pressed up against my window smiley at me ahhh

mayathere all true lol

Heatherall are true except the last one when I was in high school I always did my hw I felt guilty not doing it I mean teachers already deal with all the shit from other students so I thought I could at least do my hw for them haha

Little miss lashes Go check out my profile and answer questions

:)green and purple 💚💜

Claireall true