Do you like PARIS

In General 😍😍😍
32 votes

24 votes

Yes i want to go there 🏃😍❤
146 votes

Yes i was been there ❤❤❤
266 votes


Aubrey yes I was been there don't make scence

Martin93j'adore Paris !!..

Diamond123I'm going to Paris in spring

_dani_kay_I LOVE Paris it is beautiful

ElsaJ'habite a paris 😜

🍫ChocoLove❤️i live there!!!!

xruditeyour sentences make no sense🙊

SakanaruI hear the French hate Americans from a lot of people.. So I'm gonna have to say NO!!

xrudite@Sakanaru well I'm half French half American 🙊 ans that's not true!

Smileoui c'est tellement beau J'aime la Tour Eiffel

👭Lesbians👭I wonder what escargôt tastes like

👭Lesbians👭@Barbara lucky

Sakanaru@Jasmyne Wright Escargot is amazing!!!! Now you know its a snail right? But get this! It almost tastes like the tenderest beef cut you ever had! Its cooked in garlic & butter.... It'll blow your mind!

HaleyislikeI want to go there so bad! 😍💚